Spaying and Neutering for Pets

Surgery with the most benefits – including reducing your pet’s risk for certain health issues.

Spay and neutering pets alters their ability to reproduce. This limits the overpopulation of new kittens and puppies in the shelter system. The procedure also has benefits for your pet’s reproductive health. Several studies have shown that pets who are spayed or neutered live longer lives. It’s best to schedule the procedure as soon as possible, especially if your pet is younger.

How does spaying/neutering work?

For female pets, their ovaries and uterus are removed through an incision near their stomach. For male pets, their testicles are removed so they cannot impregnate other pets with their sperm. Removing their reproductive organs changes their ability to mother or father a litter of kittens or puppies. Additionally, the surgery limits the likelihood of your pet developing cancer (uterine and ovarian), reduces behaviours associated with being in heat (clinginess, aggression and roaming) and decreases their animalistic drive to reproduce.

Will my pet be in pain when they are being spayed/neutered?

During the procedure, your pet will be under general anesthesia. Anesthesia ensures your pet is fully asleep during the procedure and cannot feel anything or move. We’ll also provide your pet with pain medication after the surgery to manage any discomfort they might feel. It’s important to closely follow the post-operative care instructions our veterinary team provides so your pet will have a smooth and quick recovery.

How can I support them after the surgery?

We’ll provide post-operative care instructions that you should follow closely for your pet but general things to keep in mind after surgery are:

  • Encouraging your pet to eat and stay hydrated. It’s normal if your pet doesn’t have an appetite immediately after surgery.
  • Ensuring your pet doesn’t lick or bite the surgical site, since that could cause infections.
  • Limiting activities like running and jumping for at least a week after.
  • Watching your pet for any abnormal behaviour that could be a sign of post-surgery complications. If you have any concerns after the procedure, don’t hesitate to contact us at 403-337-3221.
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