Dental Care

We offer advanced dentistry to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy.

Dental care is an important component of your pet’s health that should not be overlooked. Our clinic offers comprehensive dental care for your furry friends. One of the best things a pet owner can do to ensure their furry friend’s overall health is to do routine dental exams. If your pet is due for their dental exam, please contact our team at 403-337-3221.

Is my pet’s dental exam similar to mine?

Your pet’s dental exam is just as important as yours, especially since they cannot take care of their oral health by themselves. Though there are some similarities between procedures, we don’t recommend you and your pet going to the same dental office! Our veterinary team has a wealth of dentistry expertise to help ensure your pet’s dental needs are taken care of. This might include:

  • Capturing images of your pet’s mouth via digital X-rays to examine your pet’s teeth and diagnose any dental diseases
  • Removing plaque beneath the gum line that can lead to infections that can potentially spread throughout the body
  • Putting your pet under general anesthesia to ensure they don’t feel any pain or discomfort throughout the procedure
  • Checking for early signs of periodontal (gum) disease to ensure we treat it before it reaches a detrimental stage

How can I protect my pet from periodontal disease?

Periodontal (gum) disease is one of the most common diseases that affects pets. Your pet’s mouth is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria if they are not receiving proper dental care. Overtime, periodontal disease can damage your pet’s teeth, gums, bone structure and other internal organs like the heart and kidney. Aside from ensuring your pet has regular dental exams, at home care is the best way to maintain their oral health.

How can I take care of my pet’s oral health at home?

Brush your furry friend’s teeth regularly to ensure any plaque buildup is removed. Check your pet’s gums regularly. Pink gums are healthy gums. Become aware of the early signs of dental diseases, including your pet’s appetite decreasing, unexplained tiredness and irritability. If you notice any of these that might be cause for concern, please connect with our veterinary team.

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